In business you will receive constant challenges. The business world is tough and ever changing. You have to stay positive whilst keeping up your momentum and motivation.
How do you keep your team and yourself on top of it all? If you don’t it can lead to stress, anxiety, poor performance, and low morale. At its worst it can impact on you and your staff’s mental health and wellbeing.
To stay positive and to manage and overcome the challenges businesses face, you have to develop your confidence and resilience.
This practical and engaging workshop will show you:
• How to be confident and resilient despite the challenge’s life and business throws at you?
• What is confidence and what does it mean to you?
• Understanding internal and external perceptions of confidence and its impact on you.
• Learn the Science of Confidence and how you can make it work for you.
• Bullet-Proofing your confidence with Powerful Positive Thinking Techniques.
• What is resilience and how you can apply it despite the challenges.
• Learn the Science of Resilience and how to ride the waves.
• Learn how to apply emotional intelligence self-check where your confidence and resilience are at?
• Access additional resources and action planning that will keep your confidence and resilience levels optimised.